A carnivalesque hallucination, Immerge situates creativity and imagination as sources of vitality, and envisions collective and connected action as means to overcome adversity. Visitors interact with digital installations, virtual life forms, architectural projections, giant spiders, and other fantastical creatures, all within a sonic environment generated by live musicians. Immerge engages visitors in creating a fresh myth of renewal for the digital age.
Lead Artist: Lance Gharavi
Production Design: Anastasia Schneider, Brunella Provvidente, Adam Vachon
Media Design: Jake Pinholster & David Tinapple
Lighting Design: Anthony Januzzi
Sound Design & Composition: Garth Paine
Stage Manager: Courtney Jackson
Performers: Brian Foley, Amanda Nguyen, Brunella Provvidente, Anastasia Schneider, Adam Vachon, Megan Weaver